This is a year of growth, creating and purpose

Our 2020 Year

Farm Life

Before I dive into the awesomness of rolling into a new decade, a new city, and a new farm, I want to acknowledge that my newsletters have been MIA.

2019 was stressful.

And in order to stay ahead of the game some things had to go to the back burner.

Newsletters became one of those things.

And we are back up and running and I couldn’t be more excited about all the things in store for this new year and new decade.

#1 We Moved

I woke on September 29th to four feet of snow.

Now, “no big deal,” some of you might think.

Lets rewind a few months.

In March we had -40 and flooding.

I lost 6 baby goats to the cold temps.

In June we had snow fly.

And now snow in September?

Lets do the math.

10 months of snow.

July and august we barely saw 80 degrees.

Am I complaining? You bet.

So, I did something about it.

Moved my farm south by 25 hours. Moved to a place I have had my heart set on for years.

Franklin, Tennessee.

Why Franklin?

The music, the food, the landscape, the horses, the southern drawl, the growing season, the weather, and the people.

Who came with?

Horses-Sage, Arly, Ollie, and Ziggie

Odin the dog

Jack the cat

And two cows (well, I put them in the freezer before I left but I’m counting them in)

Who stayed?

My whole flock of turkeys, ducks, and chickens went to live with my dear friend Lorca at her farm.

P the pony went to a wonderful stable in Bozeman.

All the goats found fabulous homes.

And we laid our dearest dog, Tui girl, to rest on December 11 and buried her next to the others on the farm whose lives were too short.

#2  Now What?

Great question.

I am on the hunt for land. Lots of it. For as stressful as last year was I got crystal clear about what I want to create, where I want to be and what I want to do and it boils all down to this:


I wanna farm.

All things. Plants, animals, grass, water, orchards, and streams.

I want to understand the ways of the earth in a much deeper and much bigger way.

I want to learn about the soil, I want to learn to heal myself and others with the help of the earth.

With the help of a farm.

The scene I have in my head is of morning dew, grazing cows, budding trees, sprouting plants, free range chickens, ducks on a pond, content horses and thriving pastures. Dogs running, sheep blatting, cows munching, chickens pecking, ducks swimming, hogs digging, and my horses by my side.

This picture I have had in my head since a child.

The picture in my head will bring you to tears. It’s stunning. Serene. It’s a place of health. It’s a place to heal.

It’s time to bring it to life.

#3 The Blessed HOW

This is my favorite part of life…NOT worrying about this question.

Letting GO of this one and giving it to the universe, source, or God has freed me up for more space in my life. More space in my head to create, not worry, to vision, not fret, and to pray not fester.

What I DO do is meditate, journal, visionboard, speak and enroll others in this vision and KNOW in my CORE that this will come to fruition.

I also actively LOOK for land and properties, talk to banks about loan options, get my 2019 taxes done, save every dime for a down payment.

And then trust and watch.

I pay attention to the tiny things that show up. I look for clues every day that lead my on a treasure hunt to the final prize.

These could be people I meet, songs I hear on the radio, words I see in headlines, or articles I read.

I see them all as sparkles leading me to my farm. Leading me to the vision I have in my head.

And when I see land or properties I FEEL if this is the one.

 If the feeling I get when I think of my farm MATCHES the feeling that I get when I’m standing on that land then it’s a yes.

And if it doesn’t match. Hard NO.

I don’t think my way through this. I don’t justify, rationalize, or explain my way through.

I feel.

#4 In The Meantime

I am renting a beautiful home on a 23-acre property and my horses are being boarded at a wonderful barn 30 minutes from me.

I am getting baby chicks.

I am planting seedlings to place on my windowsill.

I have asked Odin (my dog) when he wants to get another puppy.

I am riding.

It’s not cold. 


We are happy.

(double amen). 

So much to unfold as we go through the year. There is so much to discover. This is a year of growth, creating, and purpose.

I can’t wait to hear about all of yours.

So much love,

T and the Farm 

(or what’s left of it)

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