Are you confused about what to eat?
Frustrated or lost about what food plan to follow?
Feel stuck in a food rut?
Sick of feeling sick?
Does food stress you out?
It was my own struggle with food that took me on the journey to find what WORKS. I know how this feels. To feel like nothing is working or hitting dead ends.
It was this frustration that lead me to medical school, to ask the questions, to do the research, and to see the clinical evidence.
The Food Solution is a deep dive into what I really think about food,
and the how and why people feel better when following these guidelines.
Our current food paradigm isn’t working.
The conventional approach to food and diets is destroying our health and triggering hormone imbalance, weight gain and chronic disease.
This is the most important aspect of overall health. Most of us are stuck in old patterning, old beliefs, and old stories that are NOT serving us or our health.
Increasing research is showing the importance of gut health and how it impacts the whole body. I will teach you what takes it OUT of balance, and what to do to bring it back IN balance, and HEAL it.
I will teach you what food choices I have seen work clinically to reverse disease, bring in health and contribute to weight loss goals. I will show you what I eat, what I choose to avoid and why.
- Maggie