Five Food Swaps For A Healthier Day And A Healthier YOU



So many of you are committed to making a shift for 2015 in the way you’ve been eating and I wanna help you make small easy shifts on the daily so that come 2016 you wont even recognize yourself…inna good way.


For Breakfast

Instead of cereal (of ANY kind) with milk, which is a blood sugar crash waiting to happen


Breakfast Quinoa, which is packed with grain protein and fat to keep you full til lunch


Scrambled eggs with salsa and gluten free toast with organic butter, which is easy, fast, and keeps your blood sugar balanced and happy to avoid the afternoon crashes

For Lunch

Instead of a deli sandwich, which usually consists of processed deli meat and gluten containing bread which is typically stressful on the body


Chicken salad lettuce wraps, which is high in protein and fat and will keep you full til your afternoon snack

For A Snack

Instead of a granola bar, which is highly processed and full of crap


Lime toasted nuts that are packed with protein and super easy to make. All you have to do is toss raw mixed nuts with lime juice and the zest, a little curry powder and roast.


For Dinner

Instead of white flour pasta, which is highly processed and converts immediately to sugar in the body without any additional nutrients


Spaghetti Squash, which is a whole foods version of a spaghetti-like-thing packed with antioxidants, vitamin, fiber, and flavor. The kids will never know.

Wink. Wink.

And For The Grand Finale


Instead of ice cream, which is dairy based and can trigger the immune system


Luna and Larry’s coconut ice cream, which is coconut based, creamy, smooth, and oh so satisfying.

Happy swapping.

Any other swapping tips or things you need help with?

Just comment below.

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